Saturday, November 13, 2010


After doing some reading on IEP's I have gotten the impression that many IEP's seem incomplete or are not properly written. This concerns me due to the fact that an IEP is supposed to be a sort of legal document describing what a student needs or any modifications that must be done to help the student in the classroom. I think adding assisted technologies should be a top priority when writing an IEP. I get the impression that not enough schools use assisted technologies for their students and I feel this is something that needs to be changed. Technology can really help a student and aide them in their understanding of materials in school.


  1. Courtney,
    I completely agree, at alot of the Special Education placements I have been at where we as future Special Education students are permitted to look at IEPs, a majority of them are under developed. It is a scary concern of mine as well.

  2. I agree Courtney, many IEPs lack the use of assistive technologies to help students reach their goals. I feel as though some teachers or faculty are still hesitant on using technology in the classroom for reasons such as they do not know how to incorporate it into the curriculum or they do not know how to use the technology. I feel as though if teachers can be better educated on AT, then they will be willing to use it to help special education students in their education.
