Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Teaching Discussions

In my TE class today we had a huge discussion about assessments. There were so many good points and ideas brought up in class I felt the need to blog about it. First of all it was brought to my attention today that having assessments can sometime take away from the actual teaching and learning relationship. If teachers are forced to teach criteria for say the MEAP then that can take away from the students actually learning something. So much emphasis is put on "get a good grade" or "Pass that test" that the students can find the information to be meaningless. I think it is so important for teachers to continue to push to make learning interesting and fun even if it is a curriculum that is based on the MEAP or some other state standardized test.


  1. I agree with you. And it's frustrating for students who are not great test takers. My teacher for 401 was saying that MSU is trying to adopt the idea of using more portfolio-based assessments to gather a range of students' works rather than administering test after test.

    I feel that it is a better representation for what students have learned because they are able to express it in their own way, not "to the test".

  2. I agree, we spend so much time teaching to the test that students get the wrong idea about why they are learning. Portfolio assessments are a great way for students to see for themselves how much they have learned and begin to see how they can use that information later.
