Monday, December 6, 2010


The topic of Educational Reform seems to be one that is on many people's minds. I have become very frustrated recently in the fact that not many people seem to really be in it for the students as much as they may say they are. I looked up some information and talked to a few people about any organization that would really be for reform that was solely for the greater good of the students. Ira pointed me to his blog post that we talked about previously in our lab sessions. I started looking at some of the posts on this website and found one post that was really interesting to me.

Blogging for Reform: First, let’s fire all the teachers… By Ms.Mercer

This blog post talks about Reform, but not in the way that many people see it. Instead of firing all teachers and trying to replace them we should be educating teachers that are in schools now and help them to improve on their teaching. If the firing of teachers were to be the solution and continue it could become a never ending cycle. The only way to ensure good teachers in a school is to help them to improve. I really enjoyed this blog post and feel that this system could really make a difference in the US School Systems.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I do agree with much of what you and "Ms. Mercer" are saying, especially when Ms. Mercer states in her post,"In the United States we seem to be stuck on either getting everyone better than average, or getting rid of all the teachers that aren’t". Yes, I believe that we should give many educators the benefit of the doubt, as we all have first hand experience (in some capacity) of how difficult the teaching profession is. But, in my opinion, you cannot teach care, compassion, and love for students. You can't teach someone to have passion for their work, and strive to get the best out of each of their students, no matter how many "professional development" events they attend. In my experience, I have worked with a number of CTs who lack these intangables, and, honestly, it shows each and every day through their instruction. If a teacher truly doesn't possess concern for the well-being of their students, I believe that they should be replaced by someone who will.

  3. I cannot agree with you more! I really liked what you said when you said, "nstead of firing all teachers and trying to replace them we should be educating teachers that are in schools now and help them to improve on their teaching. If the firing of teachers were to be the solution and continue it could become a never ending cycle. The only way to ensure good teachers in a school is to help them to improve." We need to educate our teachers, and educate the people who are becoming educators and not just fire them and "re-hire".
    Thank you for posting this! :)
